• Všetci môžeme byť básnikmi!
        • Všetci môžeme byť básnikmi!

        • 06.12.2023 09:52
        • Písanie básní typu stanca alebo limerick na hodine angličtiny je fascinujúci spôsob, ako si môžeme rozvíjať jazykové schopnosti a kreativitu. Tento typ básní s pravidelnou rýmovou a rytmickou výstavbou nám poskytuje jedinečný priestor na experimentovanie. Takisto vytvára príležitosť na hlbšie porozumenie gramatiky a významu slov. Vďaka nim si rozvíjame jazykové zručnosti, ale aj tvorivosť a individuálny výraz v anglickom jazyku. Poďte si prečítať, aké limericky na hodinách angličtiny vytvorili na tému ročné obdobia druháci z B-čky a C-čky.
        • Seasons

          Nature is waking up.

          Birds are singing.

          Snow is melting.

          Spring brings new life.

          Spring is the season of growth.


          Days are becoming longer.

          The sun paints our skin a darker tone

          as we lay on the beach.

          Summer is a time of new memories.

          Summer is the season of play.


          Wrapped up in a cozy blanket.

          Trees lose their colourful crowns.

          “Trick or treat?” the question floats in the air.

          Autumn is the season of colours.

          Autumn is the time of remembrance.


          Presents lay underneath the Christmas tree.

          Families are praying around the dinner table.

          New Year’s just around the corner.

          Winter warms hearts of many.

          Winter is the season of white.

          (Romana Svocáková, Kristína Slebodníková, Dávid Sabo, Patrícia Petráňová a Matej Leščinský II.B)



          Everything is waking up,

          flowers are blooming out.

          Birds song echoes around the worl.

          Everyone is smiling, because

          spring is the season of growth.


          The school has ended,

          the fun has started.

          Everything began in May,

          let´s go on a holiday, because

          summer is the season of play.


          The leaves have fallen.

          My mind has been shaken,

          and my heart broken.

          I need dollars,

          autumn is the season of colors.


          To prove our might,

          we started a snowball fight.

          Everything has became bright because

          nature became a bride.

          Winter is the season of white.

           (Sára Purschová, Žofia Muchová, Martin Matúšek, Oliver Slimák a Sofia Šillerová II.B)



          There were two people who were in love,

          one day they thought,

          they can bring new life to the world.

          In the end they bought a goat,

          spring is the season of growth.


          The weather is really hot,

          we are planting roses in the pot.

          That’s when we started a flame,

          life isn’t just the game,

          summer is the season of play.


          Leaves are falling on the ground,

          kids are stepping on them all around.

          Nature looks like a clown.

          Last hot days are ours,

          autumn is the season of colours.


          Snowman is standing under the roof,

          winter is the best that’s the proof.

          Kids are playing with the snow outside,

          I want you all the time by my side,

          winter is the season of white.

           (Baška Poľanovská, Kristína Šebestová, Ivana Šlampová a Lucia Vislocká II. C)



          The snow has melted away,

          With the birds who flew back to us again.

          With the sun which hits the ground,

          The flowers will again shine.

          The spring is the season of growth.


          When it is cold, we are praying for summer,

          But when the heat comes it hits like a hummer.

          We are waiting for it at the end of each May,

          For the muddy spring to turn into beautiful day.

          Summer is the season of play.


          This is the time I need to go to school,

          But that is not very cool.

          Leaves are falling down,

          And I want to leave the town.

          Autumns is the season of colours.


          In the winter everything is covered in the snow,

          And all the animals had found their home.

          With the first snowflake which has fallen down,

          The people became quiet in this town.

          Winter is the season of white.         

           (Zuzana Šimonová, Matej Pitoňák, Tamara Pejková a Jaro Ulbrich II. C)

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      • Gymnázium, Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad
      • 052/426 44 21 informátor;
        052/426 44 27 sekretariát
      • Kukučínova 4239/1
        058 39 Poprad
      • IČO: 00161098
      • DIČ: 2020656935
      • EDUID: 100012434
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