• 27.12.2019 15:39
      • Heart-in-Hand is awarded annually by organization Prešovské dobrovoľnícke centrum honouring the contribution of volunteers who have made an extraordinary impact on the world through community service.

        Being the best school in our region led us to participate in this Heart-in-Hand charity programme. Our  students continuously push themselves to be the best and develop in areas of life that bring them joy from sport. They prepared  a project called  “My way to  conquer the sport world“.

      • They have the floor:

        It was really challenging  to do something what can influence other  human beings. But we hope we made powerful contributions to their world today. We set the example and hopefully might inspired our friends from orphan house and made changes. We were even inspired by the courage of these children to stand up for who they are."

        The true measure of our five amazing students was  how quickly they could respond to the needs of others – in our aim children from orphan house and how much of themselves they could give. They gave a little of their time,  sport talent and treasure and it made a huge difference. Its young people  to young people  showing their way to conquer the sport world and setting on the right path would definitely foster a good foundation for their next decision.

        ...we did not win but  we reached out our hands and gave them hope...

        There´s bravery in being kind and in our school we are proud of having “kind”  students. Kudos to you!


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    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium, Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad
      • 052/426 44 21 informátor;
        052/426 44 27 sekretariát
      • Kukučínova 4239/1
        058 39 Poprad
      • IČO: 00161098
      • DIČ: 2020656935
      • EDUID: 100012434
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