• POZVÁNKA - Rodičovské združenie 15. 1. 2025

    • Pozývame rodičov na konzultačné rodičovské združenie, ktoré sa uskutoční v stredu 15. 1. 2025 od 15.30 h do 18.00 h. Prebiehať bude formou individuálnych rozhovorov s učiteľmi v jednotlivých učebniach. Termín osobnej konzultácie je potrebné si vopred rezervovať v sekcii Prihlasovanie/Konzultačné hodiny (rezervácia je možná do 15. 1. 2025
      do 10.30 h.).
          • Mimoriadnu aktivitu a úspešnosť našej školy v projektoch programu Erasmus+ si už všimli aj za hranicami Slovenska. Európska komisia nám udelila prestížne ocenenie European Innovative Teaching Award.
            • Pozrite si modernú prezentáciu našej školy, ktorá spolu s virtuálnou prehliadkou obsahuje fotografie interiéru a exteriéru s možnosťou vstúpiť do interiéru formou 3D virtuálnej prehliadky (Indoor view).
              • NOVINKY

                • Christmas gift of love
                  • Christmas gift of love

                  • 27. 12. 2019
                  • Be a living contribution to the world and others around you!

                    “We have got learning materials, well-equipped classes, qualified and trained teachers, for many of us schooling does lead to learning.“

                    Yet, there are children who come to school too hungry, sick or exhausted from work or household tasks to benefit from their lessons. An estimated 617 million children and adolescents around the world are unable to reach minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics – even though two thirds of them are in school.

                    This learning crisis is the greatest global challenge to preparing children  for life, work and active citizenship.

                    Our students proved that they can make a difference each and every day. They baked cakes, sold them at our school during the break – nearly everyone loves home-made cakes and they raised 110 euros!

                    We donated this Christmas gift of love for our UNICEF friends in humanitarian contexts to improve the skills for their life long learning, help them to have equitable access to education and the opportunity to develop the skills they need for life and work.

                    ...where there´s a will, there´s a way...

                • HEART-IN-HAND
                  • HEART-IN-HAND

                  • 27. 12. 2019
                  • Heart-in-Hand is awarded annually by organization Prešovské dobrovoľnícke centrum honouring the contribution of volunteers who have made an extraordinary impact on the world through community service.

                    Being the best school in our region led us to participate in this Heart-in-Hand charity programme. Our  students continuously push themselves to be the best and develop in areas of life that bring them joy from sport. They prepared  a project called  “My way to  conquer the sport world“.

                    They have the floor:

                    It was really challenging  to do something what can influence other  human beings. But we hope we made powerful contributions to their world today. We set the example and hopefully might inspired our friends from orphan house and made changes. We were even inspired by the courage of these children to stand up for who they are."

                    The true measure of our five amazing students was  how quickly they could respond to the needs of others – in our aim children from orphan house and how much of themselves they could give. They gave a little of their time,  sport talent and treasure and it made a huge difference. Its young people  to young people  showing their way to conquer the sport world and setting on the right path would definitely foster a good foundation for their next decision.

                    ...we did not win but  we reached out our hands and gave them hope...

                    There´s bravery in being kind and in our school we are proud of having “kind”  students. Kudos to you!

              • AKTUÁLNE PROJEKTY

                • Akreditácia 2021-2027
                • Spolu úspešnejší
                • Spolu uspešnejší
              • STARÝ GYMPEL - VITAJTE

              • Fotogaléria

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              • portalvs

              • Počítadlo návštev

                Počet návštev: 170998
              • Kontakty

                • Gymnázium, Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad
                • 052/426 44 21 informátor;
                  052/426 44 27 sekretariát
                • Kukučínova 4239/1
                  058 39 Poprad
                • IČO: 00161098
                • DIČ: 2020656935
                • EDUID: 100012434
            • Fotogaléria

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